The Christmas House



I am so excited to announce that, The Christmas House, has been released for publication. If you are interested in ordering one, there are two options available:


CreateSpace eStore:
** Use Coupon Code- UCUFUHFM to save $2.00

This story has been brewing for a few years now and I found the inspiration after my son was born. I had this idea that I wanted my handsome and talented son to draw the pictures for the story. Ever notice as an adult, it is sometimes hard to decipher a kids handwriting or drawings? Well, I feel kids understand kids and I meant this for kids, so…Voila’, my kid drew the pictures. I’m proud of it. I’m proud of my son. I just hope other’s love it the way we do.


6 thoughts on “The Christmas House

  1. Congratulations! I have been ‘writing’ draft picture books for children in the hope that one day I will be able to publish one or two and use in the classroom. You are so right about children understanding each other, there is nothing more powerful than a mutual understanding coming from age and similar experiences! I’ve put your book on my christmas list 🙂


    • hoperenea

      Thank you, thank you! What a wonderful compliment. I am looking forward to peeking into your blog. I wish you much luck in the classroom and with your drafts! I’ll be checking in with you soon! 🙂


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